Search (Classic Interface)

How to Search on the Classic Interface of Cryoserver

Conducting a basic search on your archive is straight-forward, and it should take no time at all to find what you're looking for. Cryoserver can perform anything from extremely complex searches to basic one-word searches.

We class "Basic" searching as a simple query which could involve a keyword and/or recipients. In the instructions below, we will be adding a keyword and a recipient to a search.

After logging in to your archive, click the search bar in the top right of your interface. Once clicked, you should now see a search box where you can enter your search query.


Start by typing the keyword you would like to search for into the "Keyword" box.


After we've chosen keywords, we can add any recipients we'd like to include in the search. First, we can decide whether we'd like to show emails "From" or "To" this person - or - we can choose both if we don't know if we sent the email or they did.

To add a recipient, typing the recipient's email address you'd like to include within this search.

Date Range

Now that we have added the Keywords and Recipients we would like to search for, we can now choose the date range we'd like to include in our search. We default to 1 month as this is the most popular query. We can easily change the date range by clicking one of our quick choices in the dropdown, that will allow you to choose from 1 day to Any Date. Calendar picker is available

If you would like a specific date, you can select this by clicking the corresponding from and to dates in the field. After clicking this, you should see a calendar that will assist you in adding your specific dates.

To choose a time-frame for your search, click on the time options within this field. After clicking, you should see the time options pop-up appear to assist you in adding your specific times.

(Tip - The arrow in the middle of this field means "to". e.g. 13th Jan to 23rd Feb)

Last updated