Setting up Stubbing

How to setup stubbing within your Cryoserver system.

Stubbing is a feature to fetch messages from user mailbox based on selection criteria on connection config page, such as included mailbox folders, attachment types and date range etc.

During Stubbing process original attachments are replaced with dummy attachments. Although dummy attachments have same name as original attachments but with empty content.

Please contact support before trying to setup stubbing. This is an advanced process and requires guidance.

High level explanation of Stubbing Deployment & Configurations

  1. Install the Stubbing Server Application

  2. Configure to connect to the Cryosevrer archive

  3. Create a stubbing policy and job

1️⃣ Create a Stubbing Connection

Proceed to enter your server details. Please find the information regarding some options below.

  • Server - Name of the server.

  • Username - Username to login to the server.

  • Password - Password to login to the server.

  • Protocol - Protocol of the collector.

  • Connection Type - Type of connection used to connect to the server.

  • Port - Port number to connect to the server.

  • Include Folders - Folders that need to be included for journaling.

  • Exclude Folders - Folders that need to be excluded for journaling.

  • Download From Sub-folders - Specifies whether or not mails from sub-folders should be included for downloaded.

  • Check Every - Interval, in second, at which the server checks for new emails.

  • Enable - Specifies whether or not this collector is enabled.

  • Idle Alert Period - Time, in hours, at which an alert is sent if there are no new emails for that period.

  • Queue Messages For Import Node - Specifies whether or not messages should be queued for the import node.

When you have entered in your connection details, you should now proceed to click on "Save Connection". This will now save your connection to the "Existing Connection" box and create the connection.

Once you have clicked "Save Connection" a notification will appear, informing you the connection has now been saved.

Update Connection

When clicking on your newly saved connection from within the "Existing Connection" box, you will see that you now have the option to Edit Connection. When clicking this option, you will now go into an "Edit" mode where you can edit your existing connections.

Test Connection

When creating a new connection, it's always best to test the entered credentials. When testing the connection, our system will try and connect to the server details entered. If successful, it will connect. If it fails, please double check your settings and fix before continuing.

2️⃣ User Configuration

Navigate to the user configuration option under the "Stubbing" dropdown menu. On this page you can add users, edit users and import from LDAP, CSV & Office365 as well as a few other tasks.

3️⃣ Adding Users

Select Users from Office 365

If you would like to import Users from Office365 click "Select Users from Office 365" this will proceed to open a popup. To search for a specific user from your Office365 connection, enter in their email address. If you'd like to add ALL users, enter * within the Search For box.

If you've searched for a specific user, they should be listed here.

If you have searched for all users using *, you will now see all users listed from your Office365 connection.

Toggle on and off the users you wish to start the stubbing service for. Once finished, click "Add Users".

Test User Connection

If you'd like to make sure a connection is currently working, you can click "Test" next to a specific inbox. This is a useful tool for debugging or confirming stubbing has been enabled. On clicking "Test", if the Inbox has been connected to successfully you will see a small notification appear at the top of the screen "Connected Successfully"

Add users Manually

You can add users manually to existing connections by clicking "Add Users Manually" from within the list of options. This feature is great if you'd just like to add another user to the stubbing service. Click "Add Users Manually", you will now be presented with a box in the right hand of the window. Enter the details of the user you'd like to add and click "Enable this user". When complete, click "Save User" from the left hand option menu. If successful, you will see a small notification in the top-left of the screen as below detailing that the user has now been added.

Delete Users

If you'd like to delete a user from the stubbing service. View you lists of users from the user list at the bottom of the page. Identify the user you would like to remove, check the checkbox of the selected user, and click "Delete" from within the top right.

When clicking "Delete" a pop-up window will display, showing you the selected user. Make sure to check "Selected (X)" if you have only selected a specific user for deletion. Once confirmed, click "Submit". This will now start the process of deleting the user from the Stubbing service.

Import Users from CSV

If you need to import users from a CSV. Click "Import Users from CSV" from the left hand option menu. When clicking this button, it will open a pop-up window with the option to choose a file to upload. Make sure to check your CSV file for errors before submitting, we recommend following the pattern displayed in the below CSV.

Find the CSV file you would like to upload on your computer, and click "Upload" If successfully uploaded, you will see the following success message.

Your CSV users should now be visible in your user list.

4️⃣ Start Stubbing for Mailboxes

When you have finished adding your users and would like to now start stubbing all you have to do is click "Start Stubbing" this will now start the process and you will see the button change status to "Stop Stubbing". This will proceed to stub the files of the enabled users, and shortly a Start Date will appear.

5️⃣ Checking Stubbing

Open History Window

If you'd like to see the history of your user's stubbing all you have to do is click "History" button. This will open up a pop-up which displays the history of stubbing for that specific mailbox. Within this History pop-up you will be able to see how much has been stubbed and from which folders.

Open Stubbed Folder

If you'd like to further investigate a specific folder, you can click the folder's link from within the history window. This will open a specific folder detail view within another pop-up.

Details Section

Sometimes you need to go into the finer details of the stubbing service to confirm. If you click the "Details" button on a specific mailbox, you can investigate the last cycle details for that mailbox.

Verify Stubbed Emails with attachments

You can verify stubbed emails by sending an attachment from one of the mailboxes listed above. This attachment should be sent with a link stating "Click here to access attachments" this means your stubbing service is running and working as intended. Clicking this link will send the user to the stubbed attachment. This will open the email within the archive. On clicking the attachments within this email, you will be presented with a blank screen but the original attachments will be visible. Dummy file will be attached to email and when the attachment is opened, it will be blank as shown below:

Reset single Mailbox

If you would like to reset a single mailboxes stubbing, click the "Reset" button from within the user list at the bottom of the page. This will open a system dialog as shown below.

Reset Selected Mailboxes

If you have selected more than one mailbox, or would like to reset the entire user list's stubbing you must click "reset" from within the options within the top right of the user list area. This will proceed to open the below pop-up where you can choose from "All / Selected / Unselected"

Reset All Mailboxes

An easier way to reset all mailboxes is by clicking "Reset Stubbing" button from within the action buttons at the top of the page.

Set Mailbox Status

If you'd like to set multiple mailbox status to enabled or disabled, you can click the "status" button from the actions above the user list area. This will open a pop-up where you can choose "All/Selected/Unselected". Select your desired status and click "Submit".

Restart Selected Users

You can restart specific user mailboxes by checking the specific mailbox from within the user list and clicking "Restart" from the actions above the user list area.

Once clicked, you will see a new pop-up window with the options "All/Selected/Unselected". Choose your desired option and click "Submit"

Apply Filters (Mailbox, email Address and Current State

If you have a large list of user's you can filter by clicking the column headers from the table. Clicking a column header will display a list of filters that will help you quickly find mailboxes from a list. If needed, you can also type within the table header quick filters such as "Search username"

Download Report (Excel and CSV)

You can download reports for specific mailboxes or all mailboxes. For specific mailboxes, check the mailboxes you'd like a report for from the user list area and click either "Excel" or "CSV" depending on your preference. If you'd like to download a report for all users, uncheck all users and click "Excel" or "CSV". Once clicked and confirmed selection, your selected format will start to download. Large user lists may take a while to load and subsequently download.

Last updated