🔐Legal Hold

Applying, Requesting and Removing Legal Hold

This is applicable to users connecting to either: archive.cryoserver.online or eu.cryoserver.online. Not for on-premises or other .cloud environments. To learn more about switching to the new .online environments please contact your Account Manager or email sales@cryoserver.com

Cryoserver's Legal Hold feature can be accessed through the Spaces interface. This interface enables users to gather any number of entries and request a legal hold with ease. In this section of the knowledge hub, we will provide an overview of how to request and administrate legal holds from both a user and Data Guardian account perspective.

Legal Hold is a function that allows users to request that a set of entries within the archive be locked in a state that ignores retention periods and delete requests. The entries will remain in this locked state until the Data Guardian removes the hold.

Legal Holds are typically used in situations where the entries are required as evidence or are part of a legal case. However, it can also be used for non-legal activities such as locking important contracts or documents that need to be preserved.

Last updated