Managing LDAP Search Filters

Manage your archive's LDAP Search Filters

The LDAP Search Filters section allows Administrators to create and manage LDAP search filters to list only valid mailbox user accounts and distribution groups in Cryoserver. The search filters will be in the form of LDAP queries and will be applicable to only those LDAP connections for which account credentials are provided.

If you are able to query your LDAP system, and can find a way to list only user accounts without including the service or disabled accounts, then you may find this LDAP Search Attributes panel most useful. Here you can enter the required search attributes that Cryoserver can add to any LDAP searches to only return real User or Distribution Group data.

These filters may be used to help when searching the LDAP Directory to narrow down the number of results to just ones that are appropriate for your usage. Filters can be used in:

  • User Directory searches

  • Linking User accounts

  • Mailbox Reader – account selection

  • Folder Replication – account selection

A filter that removes disabled and service accounts and only lists current live accounts can be most useful in these cases.

Creating a new filter

  1. Navigate to Adv Configuration > LDAP Search Filters.

  2. Click the Create New Filter button.

  3. Enter / Select the required values in the fields. Refer to the table below for field names and descriptions.

  4. Click the Save Filter Details button.


Filter Name

Filter name.

Filter For

What the filter will be used for.

Filter Query

LDAP query based on which the search results will be filtered. Note: Use only LDAP query syntax

Editing a Filter

  1. To edit a filter, click the required filter in the Existing Filters section and click the Edit Filter button.

  2. Edit the values of the required fields and click the Save Filter Details button.

Deleting a Filter

  1. To delete a filter, click the required filter in the Existing Filters section and click the Delete Filter button.

  2. The filter will now be deleted.

Last updated